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Design of a new data structure to support non-invasive diagnostic on heritage metals

Rosselet A., Rochat V., Gaspoz CDesign of a new data structure to support non-invasive diagnostic on heritage metals, In: Proceedings of the 9th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Samos, Greece, 3-5 October, 2015

This paper was presented by Antoine Rosselet at the MCIS 2015 confernce held at Samos, Greece, 3-5 October, 2015.



Conservation of heritage artefacts is a very sensitive task as conservators have usually few information on the artefacts. Moreover, due to the uniqueness and the historic value of these artefacts, invasive analysis are not always possible. Therefore, without sampling options, conservators are required to use non-invasive diagnostic methods in order to identify the metal characteristic of the artefact. When confronted with an unknown artefact, conservators generate conceptual models of the corrosion forms. These models are based on formal representations of corrosion forms, but are not directly exploitable to draw hypotheses regarding the underlying metal. This paper presents the design of a data structure generated from the conceptual models that supports the comparison and retrieval of corresponding artefacts. Integrated with a database of heritage artefacts, this data structure offers advanced decision support to conservators confronted with unknown artefacts.